Operation Code: Z

(AKA Working Stiff)

A story of Zombies by Bob Dingethal

September 8, 2010

Fort Vancouver Historic Reserve September 2010

“Eureka!” Captain Ed Johnson cried out. “I’ve discovered the average weight of the human soul!”

“Congratulations, Einstein! Five years of working on project working stiff and you find something you could have looked up on the internet in five minutes.” Responded his colleague Captain Arnie Charles.

Undaunted Ed walked toward Arnie hand raised for a high five, Arnie responded in kind. “You take the little victories where you can find them my friend.” He said smiling. Nearly half a Billion dollars worth of equipment and personnel, stuck in the bowels of this deserted base, we have to make the best of it.”

“I continue to be amazed that we still get funded. So what’s the answer Dr Frankenstein?”

“That’s Frankensteen to you ungrateful wretch, the answer, my friend is an average of 18 milliliters thereby confirming the MacDougal hypothesis.” Ed answered proudly.”

“MacDougal did this in 1907 with primitive tools and no one gave a shit then.” Arnie said.

“Yes but I did it with tools that measure weight at the subatomic level and controls that exclude virtually every other possibility. Do you know what this means. Mwahahahahahah.” Ed laughed maniacally.

“Yes.” Arnie answered while pouring beer into two beakers. “It means we will probably get funded for another five years, Mwahahahahah!” They laughed maniacally clinking glasses.

“You know Ed, I wonder, this is a sweet gig and all but do you think it’s worth the taxpayer’s money for this research?” Arnie postulated while sipping his beer.

“Actually Arnie I still do think it’s worthwhile, you never know what we might find. Take the space program it brought us powdered drink mixes and Teflon.”

“Good point, don’t forget cell phones and space suits you can crap into. You never know what we might come up with. Bedsides we’ve had our successes.”

“True, we can keep the body alive without brain function for as long as we can stave of putrefaction.” Arnie said.

“And we got that one guy to sit up and bring his arms up to his shoulders. Too bad we couldn’t replicate that one.” Ed said.

“What do you mean, that guy ran for President and is still a US Senator.”Arnie said.

“Oh yea I forgot about that. So we can make Zombie Politicians, we just can’t make Zombie soldiers.” Ed answered.

“Doh, there you go with the z word, its excarnated personnel buddy. EP’s if you must.” Arnie said.

“Sorry, what’s said in the lab stays in the lab.” Ed said. “How about another beer?”

Operation Code Z had been in place nearly 15 years, since the beginning of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Once it became clear that shock and awe wouldn’t work against an entrenched enemy in their home country the Bush administration had been funneling billions into a project that would minimize human casualties by introducing “Excarnated” humans into warfare. The rational by Donald Rumsfeld and other neocons was that we had lost the Vietnam War because we lost popular support. Manipulation of media helped and having an all volunteer army also helped but as war dragged on and causalities mounted the tide of public sentiment would inevitably turn against the war, and America wouldn’t stand for another lost war.

For a relatively low cost, less than that of a couple of F-22 Fighter Jets, research had begun in a semi abandoned army base in Vancouver, Washington. The base now a National Park known as the Fort Vancouver Historic Reserve was the perfect place for this kind of work. No one would ever suspect that behind the beautifully restored historic trading post and military base was the world’s most sophisticated corporeal reanimation laboratory.

Chapter 2

Less than a mile away from the lab in the elegant former Military home of General George C Marshall sat the Regional Director for US Senator Brad Pritchard; William Lincoln. Billy as he was known to most people had occupied this chair ever since graduating with a degree in Public Policy from Washington State University Vancouver 7 years earlier. While most staffers moved up or out from the RD position Billy knew this was the perfect job for him and had no intention of leaving while Pritchard was in office.

Billy was the son of the much beloved 3rd District Congressman William Lincoln Senior, an eight term representative of the district who died tragically while visiting troops in Somalia. Some say the blow gun incident stemmed from a Somali husband angered by the handsome Congressman’s dalliance with his wife but this had never been proven.

Washington’s Third Congressional District was far from the madding crowd of Seattle and nearly as far from the State capitol so the Senator only visited once a quarter in non election years so Billy was pretty safe. His main job was to screen out and placate local left wing nut jobs and make sure Senator Pritchard didn’t have to get personally involved in anything. The notoriously prickly Senator Pritchard hated surprises almost as much as he hated speaking directly to constituents. Since he was a staunch right winger he didn’t want much to do with left wing Vancouver a suburb of the epicenter of hairy legged, tree hugging Portland, Oregon.

Billy spent most of his time stonewalling people and reminding them how his Dad, a moderate Republican, had done so much for this District. Billy was nerdishly handsome in a Clark Kentish sort of way. Broad shouldered and baby faced with a strong chin, straight dark hair that was always slightly askew and big brown eyes magnified by his dark framed glasses. A truly nice and thoughtful person and a friend of everyone Billy attended every public celebration and rubber chicken fundraiser. Every Eagle Scout in Town received a personally autographed letter from the Senator penned in Billy’s own hand and Billy attended every ribbon cutting across the 300 square mile district.

When a controversial issue dominated the news Billy dutifully ignored the phone, fax and Emails of the constituents having learned early in the job that for a liberal issue the calls would be 60 to 40 for and the conservative issues would be 60 to 40 against with the same irate loonies calling in to vent every time. Lucid well informed callers were in a very small minority. Billy would take enough information to validate his assumptions send his report to Seattle and go back to his daily routine.

For the most part Billy’s daily routine consisted of Coffee at the Java House for some pressing of the flesh, a brisk work out at noon followed by a couple of hours writing and researching his latest Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Billy’s obsession with D&D had never flagged. He had started at the age of eight and had continued to grow ever since. At one time he had hoped to find the perfect little nerdess to join him in his adventures but that never really worked out. Either they faked an interest in D&D to gain his interest or they were appalled at the depth of his obsession. Being single and sort of locally famous he had his share of dates and a few relationships but he never felt that he had found that true friend/lover combination that would hold his attention.

On the nights when he didn’t have a public event to attend Billy would often stay late in the office and why not. The Marshall House was a magnificent 19th Century building filled with antiques and history. Some said that George Marshall had actually conceived of the Marshall plan sitting at the very desk Billy now sat. Billy had a hard time making the numbers work on that one but who knows. The facts were that Presidents, Kings and great warriors had often trod these very halls and Billy had a great sense of pride and dignity from working here.

Besides he had a full cable package ostensibly so he could watch Cspan and CNN, his own private kitchen and bathroom including the famous Madeline Albright shower and a smoking fast internet connection.

But the biggest reason was that when he stayed late he was likely to get a visit from Corporal Connie Wexler, the base security guard assigned by the Senate Sergeant at arms to protect the congressional staffers on the base. Connie was a 28 year old single mother and she looked very hot with her blond hair tucked up underneath her digital cammo, peaked hat. Connie made regular rounds that we’re pretty hit and miss for Billy but they did have a regular security check once a month that was always pleasant. In the nice weather they would sit out on the veranda watch the people pass by on the parade grounds, sip coffee and laugh at the pitiful security in these historic houses. Most congressional staffers were housed in grim looking Federal buildings that were virtually impenetrable. The Marshall House and the other historic houses around them could be broken into with a butter knife. The houses were alarmed and Billy even had a portable panic button but he never had to use it. Once in a while he would “forget” to set the alarm and Connie would come by to check up on him but he didn’t want to abuse that device lest she get suspicious.

Billy wasn’t actually shy with girls but he usually let them make the first move, either making it abundantly clear that they were interested in him or actually taking the initiative themselves. Connie seemed to enjoy the time she spent with Billy and they danced around the issue of boyfriends and girl friends enough to know they were both single. Connie’s husband had cheated on her when she was deployed in Afghanistan and they got divorced when she returned. She and Billy never really spoke about that subject. Connie’s son was 9 years old and looked much like his mother, Billy had only met Connor briefly but he seemed like a likeable kid if a little reserved.

Fall was starting to settle in at the Historic Reserve, the days were warm and sunny and the nights were coming faster and starting to cool. The Reserve was magnificent in autumn with the leaves turning and the light rains refreshing the grass and the evergreen trees. Billy loved the autumn anyway, and working in the Reserve made it that much better. Fall meant football, and cross country teams practicing on the parade grounds. It was a time of renewal for Billy harkening back to school days and the new beginning of the school year, but best of all it meant Halloween!

The Reserve was the best place in the world for Halloween. On Halloween weekend the Fort put on its spookiest look and provided a show for the people of Vancouver. “Ghost stories at the Fort” was in its 10th year and Billy was a big part of the program. He not only helped organize the event and decorate the historic building but he dressed up as the Ghost of Ulysses S Grant and told scary stories to the kids. Billy would grow his beard for a couple of weeks prior to the event and put on a Civil War General’s uniform that looked truly authentic in a tattered ghostly sort of way. Billy would be in his glory, all dressed up, a sword at his side entrancing the children and their parents with ghostly tales of the fort.

Billy was in his office putting the finishing touches on his Ulysses S Grant ghost costume when he heard a soft rap on the door. Had draped the jacket over a dummy usually reserved for Brides that used the Marshall House for weddings, to hang their wedding dresses.  He had added a few authentic medals and decorations this year, each of which a replica of those actually worn by General Grant.

Billy walked over and opened the door and to his happy surprise it was Connie Wexler.

“Connie nice to see you what brings you around today.” Billy asked. Connie smiled and gave Billy a hug; Billy was a little taken aback as she usually did not do this however he was very pleased. She smelled great and felt a wonderful combination of soft and strong.

“I see your working on the General for the Ghost stories; I hadn’t realized the General was so busty!”

“A little known fact.” Billy responded scratching his budding beard. “For an Army General with a scruffy beard he had quite the figure. Are you and Connor going to be here this year?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact I wanted to ask you a big favor.” Connie said with a coquettish pleading look. “I‘m on duty that night and I was hoping that, and please don’t worry if this is an imposition, but I was hoping I could drop Connor off with you for a little bit while I’m finishing up and that I could meet you two afterward?”

Billy’s heart skipped a beat. “Of Course, I’d love to.”

“Are you sure it’s no problem? I mean if you have plans with someone I understand”

“Not at all, glad to do it, what’s the plan?”

“Well my Mom can drop him off at my office around 6:00 and I’m off at 7:00 so if you could watch him for an hour?”

“That works fine, he can help me set up and I’ll order a pizza so we can all eat before trick or treating.”

“Thanks Billy, you’re a doll.” Connie stood on her tip toes and gave Billy a kiss on his scratchy cheek, then thought for a moment and leaned in and kissed him full on the lips, lingering for a moment. “Thanks.” She said a little huskily. “I’ll see you next Sunday if not before.” With that Connie breezed briskly out the door.

Billy sat rubbing his whiskers, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

Chapter 3

A buzzer rang in the lab and Arnie yelled into the intercom. “Bring in your dead!”

“Must you do that every time?” Ed inquired.

“Lighten up Ed, its grim duty for Sergeant O’Malley and it helps him cope if we yuck it up a little.”

“Gimme a break Arnie, O’Malley’s already been busted for using a stiff in the passenger seat so he could use the commuter lanes.”

Just then burly Marine Sergeant wearing mirrored sunglasses wheeled a gurney through the door. “Got a fresh one for you Captains.”

“Thanks Sergeant.” Arnie answered. “What’s the time of death?” He asked bringing his stylus up to an IPad.”

“That’s the thing Cap,” O’Malley started. “I almost turned around and took him back. We got a John Doe here arrived DOA at Legacy this morning, heroin overdose. I picked him up about half an hour ago and started driving over here when I thought I heard a sigh.”

“Probably just gas seepage.” Arnie offered.

“That’s just what I figured but I stopped and checked and thought I caught some movement. I checked his vitals and got no pulse but the body is still pretty warm and there doesn’t seem to be any rigor.”

“Thanks Chuck we’ll check him out. Care for a beer?” Ed said easing the body into a form fitting gel filled test bed.

“No thanks Cap I’ll wait till the sun is over the yard arm.”

Ed checked the read outs on the monitor next to the bed. “He’s flatline Chuck, no vitals. We’ll take him from here.”

“Thanks gents, I’ll see you with the next shipment.” O’Malley answered snapping off a crisp salute. Arnie and Ed answered with distracted salutes of their own and went to work.

“All right partner, let’s chip em and drip em.” Arnie said. Arnie began the fluid replacement process that would remove the bodily fluids and replace them with a drug and chemical cocktail that would keep the body supple and stave off putrefaction.

Ed made a cranial incision near the left frontal lobe and noticed blood seepage. “Wow this guy is really fresh!” Ed said pointing to the blood. Arnie looked over and cocked and eyebrow in agreement. Ed finished his incision and pried open the skull. They weren’t concerned about looks or scarring at this point so he simply flipped the bone over exposing a section of the brain.  Picking up an aluminum case marked “Organic interface, No unauthorized Personnel” he peeked into the box.

“What should we make of Mr. Doe today?” Ed asked the world at large.

“Got anything new in there?” Arnie asked. Ed examined the contents of the box. The organic interface was the core of Code Z, it was this device that allowed, or so the Pentagon hoped, the direction and control of excarnate personnel. The “OI” controlled all the neuro- muscular functions of the body including muscle movement and the use of the senses allowing the EP to move and react in a nearly normal fashion. More importantly it was preprogrammed to allow independent activities based on the function of the soldier the EP was to have replaced.

Experiments with Chimpanzees and Bonobo’s had been very successful giving the reanimated apes capabilities far beyond their previous skill. The sticking point had always been body structural limitations and incomplete sensory alignment. Simply put they would never be able to do what a human soldier could do. The other sticking point was that the implant was always done while the animal was still alive and the results with a deceased animal had been dismal failures. In the best situation to date they had kept a female Bonobo alive and highly functioning for three full days.

“Whoa check it out; we have a new duty roster here.” Ed said. Arnie clamped off an artery and switched on the “juice machine” to start the fluid replacement. He looked over to see Ed holding a silver dollar sized wafer with a bundle of thin wires extending from its perimeter. “We got us a batch of Marine Rangers here!” Ed said smiling broadly.

“I always suspected you had to be brain dead to want to be a Ranger.” Arnie said.

Ed inserted the device into the open cranial point and tamped it down with a forefinger. Ed closed the incision and turned to Arnie. “You finish juicing him and I’ll check the programming and its Miller time!”

“Sounds good to me Hawkeye.” Arnie answered. Just then a bong echoed through the room. “What was that?” Arnie asked.

“That my friend is the 18 milliliters; the soul has left the body.” Ed answered proudly.”

“How’s that?” Arnie asked.

I rigged the bed to alert me whenever the body lost weight that couldn’t be accounted for by any of the things we monitor.” Ed answered.

“I’ve never heard it before.” Arnie said.

“That’s because this is the first time it’s happened after the OI was installed.”

Arnie pulled two frosty beakers out of the organ freezer and poured a couple of cool brews. “Here’s to us big fella.”

Ed clinked glasses with Arnie. “What do we do if we get this guy up and running by Halloween night, I don’t want to spend my Halloween weekend in here?”

“We program him to hand out candy of course.” Ed and Arnie clinked glassed again and send up a chorus of classic Horror movie maniacal laughter. “Mwahahaahaa!”

Chapter 4

One week before Halloween.

Connie walked into the Marshall house toting a gym bag and squeezing the water out of her hair. She smiled at Francis the manager of the Marshal house. “Hi Francis, I got caught in the rain while I was running, do you mind if I use the brides bathroom to shower and change?” The Marshal house had facilities set aside for brides who used the house for weddings and they were fully appointed and used only on weekends. “I’m having some work done on it Connie, it’s all torn up, but you can use the Madeline Allbright bathroom, it has a shower.” Francis offered.

“The what?” Connie said.

Francis laughed. “It’s the bathroom in Senator Pritchard’s office. Madeline Allbright gave the Marshall lecture one year when she was Secretary of State and stayed in the office because there were no Hotel rooms available. The Senator made the offer and then realized that there was no shower so he had one put in for her use. At the tax payers expense I might add!”

“Are you sure it’s OK?” Connie asked.

“Oh sure.” Francis answered. “No one else used it until Billy took over the office. We stored stuff in there. Now he uses it when he runs at lunch, but no one’s in the building right now so just lock up and set the alarm when you leave. You know the drill.”

“You bet I do Francis, thanks a lot.” Connie walked into Billy’s office and opened a door she had always assumed was a closet. Inside was a small but well appointed bathroom with a surprisingly large shower. “Madeline must have needed the room.” Connie mused. The lights were on in the office. Francis usually left them on until she locked up so people could see the beautiful original stained glass windows of the building. Connie switched on the TV and glanced at a bus accident on the local news. Apparently a group of convicts had tried to wrest control of a bus and drove it into the Columbia River. The guard who was driving survived but 30 or so prisoners had drowned in the frigid water due to the shackles on their arms and legs.

Billy was running along evergreen road into the Reserve when he saw the lights near the I-5 Bridge and heard the sirens. The rain was coming down harder now and he was feeling a little miserable at the middle of his run so he decided to stop in at his office and dry off. The office had a door separate from the rest of the house so, he entered the side door and made sure the alarm wasn’t on. It was off so he assumed Francis was still up front.

Billy peeled off his wet shirt and pushed his shoes and sox off with his toes, and reached over to lock the office door so he didn’t give Francis a rude surprise. The TV was on and the volume was up pretty high so he figured Francis had been watching TV in his office as she often did on slow evenings. Billy saw something about a bus accident near I-5 and watched with one eye on the as he reached for the door.  The show cut to a commercial and Billy swung the door full open while dropping his shorts and jock with a free hand.

“Yow.” Billy said with a start as he saw Connie naked except for a towel on her head and her IPod dangling from the head phones very neatly between her full breasts. Connie had been doing a little swaying dance and applying makeup in the mirror when she saw Billy in the mirror realizing he was behind her.

“Ahhgg.” Connie screamed flailing around to pull the towel off her head.

“I,yi, I um, um I!” they both mumbled simultaneously. Billy was beet red and Connie held the towel ineffectually in front of herself. Despite his obvious mortification Billy was fully erect and trying valiantly to hide himself with his hand.

Connie was trying vainly to formulate an explanation and Billy was about to turn and run when Connie threw herself at Billy. Her arms around his neck and plastered her still damp body to his.

Somewhat later Billy and Connie lay wrapped in an enormous plaid Pendleton blanket the Senator had received as a gift from the Schwaninina tribe for getting their casino application through Congress despite the fact that the tribal council looked more like the Swedish Olympic team than a Pacific Northwestern Indian tribe.

Billy was in a euphoric fog, Connie’s warm naked body next to his, rain beating down on the roof, the rough texture of the blanket accentuating her softness. They had turned off the TV and turned the lights low they held each other in silence after the last lovemaking, this time tender and loving after the first two frantic passionate couplings.

They had both tried to speak several times now. All their words had been impassioned or funny, neither wanted to disturb the mood by being too serious.

Finally Connie spoke. “It’s been a while for me.” She said.

Billy smiled and kissed her full on her generous lips, once again feeling the stirring in his loins. “I think you got it right although I’m up for more practice if you like.”

“I can see that.” She said reaching down and encircling his burgeoning erection with her fingers. Slowly she swung her leg over him and slipped herself onto him once again. “Life doesn’t get any better than this!” She cooed.

Billy tried to think of something clever to say but couldn’t so he simply surrendered to the moment.

Chapter 5

O’Malley brought the bus he was towing right up to the front of the lab. “Right here O’Malley.” Arnie yelled. “We have teams standing by to help.” No sooner had the words left his mouth when a team of soldiers started removing the bodies of the drowned convicts and placing them on portable prep beds. Nurses, doctors and engineers moved in synchronized chaos preparing the bodies for the procedure that would bring them back to a life of sorts.

After hearing of the tremendous success Operation Code Z had achieved with the recently deceased heroin addict the White House had mobilized an entire team to be on at the ready when an opportunity presented itself.

“We have 30 beds in process Arnie.” Ed said. “We’ll be using the Marine Ranger OI; that one has had the best results to date. If they pass muster for the next two days we put them on a transport and have them hunting terrorists in caves by Monday.”

“Holy shit Ed, it looks like we’ve actually done it. Harry is still up and running and performing at an almost fully living human level and he’s not even starting to smell yet.”

“My fucking God, Arnie, My fucking God!!” Ed exclaimed.

“All right team let’s chip em and drip em we’ve got less than three hours. The frenzied activity roared along at fever pitch within the hour the ominous bong from the prep bed alarm signaled the inexplicable 18 milliliter weight loss as the souls left the bodies of the deceased. Within 5 hours the reanimated corpses began to move and respond to simple commands. By midnight 28 corpses were still viable, success beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

Harry was indeed doing exceptionally well; except for a slight shuffle when he walked and some problems with fine motor skills he was everything they could have hoped for. The drug and chemical cocktail they had administered included a variety of steroids and growth hormones that actually gave Harry an increase in muscle mass despite his being dead. The nutrients they fed him intravenously couple with electrolytes kept the vascular and electrical/ nervous systems functional so Harry could move normally. Harry could also throw and climb, run and lift as well as most living people. The fact that he felt no pain meant he could do things a living human could not, fatigue wasn’t a factor so as long as his body did not exceed its physical structural limitations he could go for long periods without rest or renewal.

What Ed and Arnie didn’t and in fact could not have known was that the deceased they had somewhat unkindly nick named “Harry Winn” was in fact a former Green Beret, named Lionel Overbee. Lieutenant Overbee was a highly decorated soldier who had served in both Iraq and Afghanistan. A courageous and dedicated leader, Lieutenant Overbee served his country honorably until three of his vertebrae were crushed in a rollover accident from a roadside bomb in Iraq. Suffering from extreme pain and PTSD Overbee eventually succumbed to the bosom of the drug that would eventually take his life.

The film of Overbee running, jumping, climbing, shooting and throwing grenades on the simple verbal commands of the Doctors at The Vancouver Historic Reserve were enough to convince the White House and the Pentagon to provide a virtually unlimited budget to the Code Z program.

Chapter 6 Halloween night

Billy was nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. He was smitten by Connie, they had known each other for three years now so he knew her as a person and a friend, and now he knew her as a lover. Billy felt his heart swell (among other things) every time he thought of Connie. He had never felt this way in his life, this was so all consuming, he was thrilled beyond belief but he dreaded the one possibly fly in this ointment, Connor.

Billy loved kids and always thought he would have a family so that didn’t bother him, but what if Connor didn’t like him? He had heard the horror stories from his friends of the children of girlfriends or boyfriends and even worse some of the nasty experiences people had with step children. He knew that tonight wouldn’t be the end of the relationship one way or another but he desperately wanted the boy to like him and vice versa. Billy did the vague sort of praying people who weren’t strongly religious do when they’re desperate. “What the hell it couldn’t hurt.” He thought. “God please help make Connor like me, please, please, please, please!”

At 10 minutes to six Francis announced that they had arrived and she would send them back. Billy steeled himself. He had put on the Ulysses S Grant uniform complete with sword but he hadn’t started the makeup yet. He didn’t want Connor to think he was old. He was already nervous about appearing dorky to Connor.

Connie walked in the door looking magnificent. She had on her uniform as usual but her hair was down and she had on a little makeup. She would have been stunning to Billy no matter what but she looked especially beautiful, and if he was not mistaken she had left the top two buttons of her uniform shirt unbuttoned revealing a hint of cleavage when she moved, although this could have been his imagination.

Connie walked over to Billy and without hesitation kissed him full on the lips. Connor looked a little peeved.

“Good evening Ghostly General you’re looking quite handsome this evening.” She said smiling.

“You as well corporal, at ease.” Billy said back.

“Thank you so much for doing this, it will be so much fun tonight, we love Ghost stories at the fort.” Connie said.

Connor had a military uniform on as well, fully appointed and fitting like a glove. He also had on a camouflage back pack on and a slight scowl on his face. Billy extended his hand.  “Good to see you again Connor.”

“Hi.” Connor said.

Connor sat down on the couch and pulled off his back pack and began to unpack. “You can watch TV if you like Connor or you can help me get ready, I have to finish making the office look spooky and put on my makeup and stuff.” Billy asked hopefully.

“No thanks I’ll be OK.” Connor said pulling two large rectangular books from his back pack.

Connie looked at Billy a little sheepishly and then a little perplexedly as a broad smile broke over Billy’s face.

“Looks like you got some D&D books there, the D&D starter book and the Dungeon Masters guide.” Billy said smiling. “Have you got the Monsters Manual yet?”

Connor looked up in shock. “I’m saving up for that one and I hope I get some for Christmas, but how do you know that?” Connor asked incredulously.

Billy walked over to a cabinet that may have originally contained General George Marshall’s personal manuscripts (or phone books one never knows) and open the doors revealed a row of books like Connors covering one end to the other.

“I happen to have two Monsters Manuel’s here. One I got when I was your age, you can have it if you like.” Billy said offering the book to Connor.

Connor reached for the book with a reverence one would give to receiving Gutenberg’s original bible as a gift. “You mean it?” He said.

“Sure” Billy said ruffling Connors hair. Connor couldn’t take his eyes off the book. Billy knew that, if Connor was anything like him, he had lost him for the night.

Connie was beaming and tears were forming in her eyes.  “Those were my books from college, my ex didn’t like them he thought it was some sort of evil thing, but I kept them anyway. I’ve wanted to buy some new ones but there like $45.00 apiece.” She said in a whisper. Billy thought his heart would burst!

“Well I’ll leave you two dorks to yourselves.” She said kissing Connors head. Connor waved distractedly not looking up for a second.

Billy walked Connie into the hallway and bent over to give her a peck on the lips. Connie grabbed him around the neck and ground her face into his then reached around and grabbed Billy’s butt. “I think that counts as insubordination corporal.” Billy said.

“I face the charges like a good soldier.” Connie said squeezing again for emphasis.

“Nothing could ruin this night.” Billy thought.

Captain Johnson walked out of his office splendidly attired in a naval uniform that would have easily landed him a part in Pirates of Penzance and spun jauntily on his heal. “What do you think Arnie?”

“You shouldn’t have.” He replied. “You know I have a weakness for a man in uniform. Going to the officers Ball at the Grant house I assume?”

“Indeed I am you saucy wench. I have a date with a young lieutenant of questionable morals” He answered.

“And even more questionable taste in men it seems.” Arnie answered.

“I’m counting on it.” Ed responded. “What about you?”

“Home to hand out candy and get shitfaced, my girlfriend thinks it will make me want children.”

“Well have fun. Hey what should we do with the stiffs tonight?”

“They’ll be fine.” He said nodding toward the holding cell. “They’re all just milling around, except for Harry who just sits there until we give him an order, it creeps me out the way they shuffle around.”

“They’re supposed to creep out Arnie, they’re dead. By the way can you get them to stow the gear before we take off, I have my costume on and I don’t want to get it all messed up?”

“Sure Ed, but stay back until their done they get twitchy when they see an unfamiliar uniform. The OI has uniform recognition protocols so they don’t shoot civilians and our guys.”

“OK Arnie but I don’t think this clown suit qualifies as a uniform. Lets grab a cold one while they stow the gear.

Arnie typed a command into the computer and the EP’s began to walk toward the field gear strewn around the compound. The undead soldiers began to suit up and check their gear, snapping on helmets and body armor. Ed and Arnie looked at each other and shrugged.

“I guess we need to rewrite the commands to get them to stow the gear rather than dress for combat, we hadn’t given much thought to non-combat duties while we were still trying to animate the corpses.” Arnie commented.

“It’s still pretty impressive that they can dress themselves.” Ed said. “Half the living recruits in this man’s army can’t dress themselves without their momma’s help.”

Both men laughed and were clinking glasses when Arnie saw something alarming out of the corner of his eye. Several soldiers were aiming their rifles at Ed. Arnie picked up his IPad and began poking furiously when he heard the clicking of triggers dry firing.

“Ed you better take cover they think you’re a hostile.”Arnie screamed. Ed turned and ran toward the door and found it blocked by three soldiers pointing their rifles at him. Knowing that the guns weren’t loaded and assuming he could rush past the zombie soldiers Ed ran right toward the middle zombie. In a lightning move no one could have expected from theses shambling brutes the soldier slammed the butt of his rifle into Ed’s forehead with crushing intensity. Ed fell backward into a test bed as the other two soldiers advanced on him.

Arnie tried to pull them off but couldn’t turn them. The two soldiers pummeled Ed with their rifle butts and then turned toward the retreating Arnie with rifles at the ready and resolve in their lightless eyes. Arnie pulled his pistol from a drawer and fired at the soldier closest to him hitting him three times in the chest and once in the neck. The soldier undaunted wrenched the gun from Arnie’s hand. The last thing Arnie’s heard before he lost consciousness was the sound of the bong coming from the bed where Ed lay, signaling the soul leaving his lifeless body.

Chapter 7

The lab had only one guard. The young woman on duty ran into the lab when she heard the shots and screamed at the carnage. She began to draw her pistol but stopped seeing 28 rifles pointing directly at her. The EP’s didn’t speak but their intent was clear as they stripped her of her weapon and all her gear including her cell phone and forced her into the Holding cell.

The park was starting to come alive with antique gas lamps casting a ghostly glow on the promenade. Eager trick or treaters ran from historic building to historic building to hear the ghost stories and fill their candy bags to near bursting.

“Momma look, look!” A little girl dressed as Ariel the Little Mermaid said. The young mother looked to see a troop of soldiers grimly marching in formation down the parade grounds. She instinctively shielded her daughter’s eyes as she looked at the ghastly faces of the soldiers including one who had an oozing wound in his neck and several bullet holes in his shirt. “That’s a bit too much.” She thought. “Even for Halloween at the Fort.” And she turned in the other direction.

Connie Wexler knew something was very wrong when she saw the door to the laboratory wide open. She heard strangled sobs as she drew near and she unholstered her weapon. Connie slid along the wall with her gun in both hands turning quickly around the doorway pointing her weapon into the room and panning it back and forth. She saw Captain Arnie Charles lying unconscious on the floor and reached for his neck. He was alive and breathing but had been brutally knocked unconscious. As she swept the room to locate the sound of the sobbing she saw the bloody body of Captain Ed Johnson lying on the examining table. Her training told her to keep looking and not linger on a man who was most likely dead and identify the sound. She than saw the whimpering figure of Corporal Martina McBride locked in the holding cell.

McBride was a decorated soldier having served in Iraq for two tours of duty. This scene did not make sense. The key to the cell had been dropped on the floor only a few feet from the door, Connie quickly grabbed the key and opened the cell door.

“Marty, what happened here?” Connie asked putting her arms around the frightened soldier.

“Z, ZZ, Z zombies!” Martina sobbed.

Connie held Martina tightly and called in to headquarters. No explanation was given and the soldier manning the phone simply said he was on his way.

Connie’s next call was to Billy. “Something’s up Billy don’t go outside, I don’t know everything that’s going on yet but there’s trouble, I’ll be there as quickly as I can.”

“Don’t worry Connie I’ll take care of Connor.” Billy said.

“Billy do you have a gun?” Connie asked

“No but I have a sword.”Billy answered

“Keep it handy.” Connie paused. “Billy I…”

“Don’t worry, we’re safe, you be safe and get here as quick as you can. I understand your duty.”

Chapter 8

The grim faced army marched down Evergreen Avenue and through the traffic circle. 29 gruesome soldiers dressed for battle in perfect unison. The soldiers marched four abreast except for Lionel Overbee who brought up the rear alone. People would laugh and point at the zombie soldiers as they saw them from the distance impressed by the show that was being put on by the Fort, but instinct chilled their bones when they got close enough to look into the faces of these demon soldiers.

“What is going on Commander, with all due respect sir I need to know? There are hundreds of civilians at the Fort right now including my own son.”

Colonel George Cardwell looked sternly down his long narrow nose at Connie. “We have a top secret operation here and you are not only compromising that operation but you are damn close to insubordination soldier.”

Connie shot back quickly and motioned toward Captains Johnson and Charles. “We have a dead officer here and another seriously injured, sir. We have a serious situation and I’ll be damned if I’ll let you or anyone else endanger my son.” Colonel Cardwell began to answer when Captain Charles began to stir.

Rubbing his head he said.”Zombies!”

“What?” Connie asked.

“Zombies!” He said again. “Cardwell knows, half the folks around here know and everyone has some suspicions.”

“What’s he talking about.” Connie asked the Colonel.

“Fuck it. Just stop these bastards they killed Ed, they’re out of control, we fucked up.” Arnie shouted. “Looking around he saw the arms cabinet on the wall had been pried open. “They have live ammo dammit, they shoot anything in a uniform.”

Connie thought about Connor and Billy and bolted for the door.

The lab was less than a mile from Officers Row and Connie decided she could run to the Marshal house faster than the time it would take to get to her car and drive to the building. As far as she knew there was nothing to draw the zombie troops to any particular area, except the noise of the trick or treaters! When Connie got within a quarter mile of Evergreen Boulevard, where the Marshal House was, she saw the Zombie troops breaking from a standard formation and split into two groups. She couldn’t understand their motivations but she saw coordinated actions and knew they were using standard attack protocols. Just then an air raid siren went off!

Billy and Connor instinctively looked up when they heard the siren. “What’s that for?” Connor asked. “I’m not sure son but we need to get everyone safe. Francis, get everyone into the basement now!”

Connor warmed at hearing Billy call him “son” and followed him into the main salon of the building. Billy took a quick glance out the large windows of his office and saw strange looking soldiers moving quickly to surround the building.

The main salon was filling with families getting ready for the spooky stories and Halloween treats set for the evening. Luckily it was early yet and the crowd was fairly small, unfortunately people were also scattered around the building, some even still outside walking into the building. The house was lit up like a movie set and seeing into the building would be way too easy. Billy and Connor both turned at once looking at movement outside the building. The ghoulish faces of the soldiers were starting to come into sight as they surrounded the building in an orderly fashion. “Hit the lights and everyone into the basement!” Billy shouted.

Some people thought this was all part of the show and moved quickly towards the door to the basement Francis was holding open, others perhaps shocked by Billy’s command voice moved nervously. Connor was holding the hand of two small children and led them into the basement while their mother held another infant child.

Not fully understanding the dangers he faced but compelled into action Billy ran outside and herded people into the building. Within seconds he had the families inside and Francis was guiding them toward the basement. Billy heard the command to fire and felt the sting of broken glass on his face as a volley of bullets were fired through the front door. Billy crawled toward the basement door when his phone rang and he saw it was Connie. “We’re under attack, Connor is safe, don’t get too close!” Billy yelled into the phone. “I know, I can see the house, get in the basement, help is on its way!” Connie yelled into the phone. “I can hear shots, are you OK?”

“Yes, what’s going on?”

“The Marshal House and the Grant house are under attack. By…, soldiers, get in the basement.”

At the Grant House, the center of the night’s festivities, Royce Pollard, mayor of Vancouver and former base commander had reacted instinctively to the sound of the air raid siren and herded his crew into the basement as well. Now he walked the perimeter of the house in darkness, the nine millimeter H&K pistol he always carried was cocked and ready.  He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the soldiers taking positions around the Grant House. Royce felt his phone vibrate. The text from Colonel Cardwell read; “Our worst fears realized, help is on its way, keep your head down.”

Chapter 9

Billy heard the sirens wailing in the distance and saw the flickers and red and blue lights, he still didn’t know what exactly was happening but he didn’t have any time to think about anything but staying alive. He heard boots coming toward the door and crash of bullets hitting the door. Billy heard the creak of the basement door and looked up to see Connor peaking around the door. “Get back!” Billy yelled.

The door blasted open and two soldiers came through the front door. Billy heard crashes and knew the other two doors to the building had been breached as well. Billy jumped to his feet and stood in front of Connor as the two hideous creatures in army uniforms advanced on him weapons pointed directly at his heart, their soulless eyes staring blankly at him and Connor.

Billy drew his sword and the two soldiers from hell raised their weapons and prepared to fire. Connor, in his perfectly appointed Lieutenants uniform stepped out from behind Billy and snapped a perfect salute at the soldiers. “Stand down gentleman.”

The ghoulish soldiers instinctively snapped into salutes and moved uncertainly toward securing their weapons. Billy crouched down to be closer to Connor. “What the hell’s going on?”

“I out rank them.” Connor said. “But take a look, these guys are zombies.”

Billy looked at the slack gray faces of the soldiers, unfocused eyes oozing fluid, unhealed scars on their faces and simply nodded.

The basement door flew open shocking everyone out of their reverie. The zombie soldiers shook off their confusion on seeing Francis wielding an ancient shotgun and started to raise their weapons. Francis let go with both barrels sending the zombie soldiers back through the double doors leading to the foyer. Francis advanced reloading the antique firearm and Billed walked forward with her, extending an arm backward to keep Connor away from the horror in front of them.

They were shocked to see that the soldiers were beginning to stand; they had made no sound, no cries of pain, no shouts of surprise and anger. The soldiers regained their feet and reached for their weapons. Their helmets had been blown from their heads and their faces were ravaged. Torn gaping flesh flapped grotesquely and one soldier was missing an eye. They moved with purpose trying to regain the attack. “I think we’ll have to cut their heads off to stop them.” Connor said.

Billy swung his sword with all his might just as Francis snapped the shotgun closed and prepared to fire. Billy’s swing was true and he nearly severed the soldiers head from his body. From five feet away Francis let go with both barrels once again. Her aim was high but she caught the soldier at the top of the head, literally blowing his brains out. Both soldiers crumpled to the floor. The soldier Billy had nearly decapitated was still moving his mouth trying vainly to send signals to his body.

Billy reached down into the unthinkably hideous gore of the soldier Francis had killed and grabbed a small silver object with wires protruding from its edges.

“Francis get back into the basement and protect the others, take Connor with you” Billy yelled. Francis nodded and Connor began to protest when four more of the ghoulish soldiers rushed into the room, rifles at the ready.

Chapter 10

Connie could see inside the Marshall House now despite all the lights but the emergency lights and candles having been turned off. Flashes of light, “muzzle flashes,” she thought, were going off steadily inside the house. Just down the street Police SWAT teams had surrounded the Grant house and had engaged the hideous soldiers rapidly turning the tide of the battle. She knew they would be moving down the Row but saw it wouldn’t be soon enough. Running full tilt with tears streaming from her eyes, Connie ran up the steps and over the gory mess that had once been human beings.

Relief surged through her body on seeing Connor and Billy still alive but relief was short lived as she saw the situation. Four of the monstrous soldiers were advancing on them. Francis was struggling to reload the shotgun and fire when the lead soldier fired. The shot parted her hair knocking her backward. The next three shots hit the space she had occupied moments before. The lead soldier ran toward her and prepared to fire point blank. When the rifle clicked on an empty chamber Francis placed the gun under the soldiers chin and fired.

Connie emptied her clip at the hellish figures and they dove for cover beneath historic and irreplaceable furniture. “Mom you have to take off their heads!” Connor yelled.

Connie stepped to Francis and checked her pulse, erratic but strong, she checked the shotgun and looked at Francis. Francis looked up weakly, “No more shells.”

Connie reloaded her pistol and assessed her situation. Police lights flashed all around and she could see the police engaging the other soldiers outside. The 3 soldiers were adjusting their positions in the adjoining room across the hall. The furniture didn’t provide much cover but made it harder to get off a head shot. She had six shells left and Billy had his sword. Francis was unconscious and Connie had to protect Connor who was showing no fear.

The fighting outside grew more intense and Billy thought he saw another soldier in his office; he looked at Connie and knew she had seen something as well. The ghouls fired a volley into the room and ran forward to the next cover area closer to Connie, Billy and Connor. Out of the corner of her eye Connie saw Connor stand and salute!

“Stand down now!” shouted the little soldier. “Connor no,” Billy and Connie shouted almost simultaneously. Shots rang out and Connor dived for the floor. The fusillade continued for what seemed like hours but was likely about 15 seconds. Then everyone heard a series of clicks as hammers fell on empty chambers.

Connie held her pistol in both hands and advanced, Billy at her side holding his sword. The Zombie soldiers advanced quickly wielding empty rifles and K-bar knives. Connie fired four shots slowing their advance, one soldier hit in the face was reeling and Billy swiped at his neck catching him clean. Connie fired her last two bullets into the chin and neck of the second soldier and Billy thrust his sword into the soldier’s forehead pinning him to a door.

The third soldier advanced on Connor, Billy couldn’t pull his sword free from the oak door and ran toward Connor. Connie grabbed the soldier trying to pin his knife arm but her shook her off like a gnat. Billy punched at the soldier to no effect and fended off the slashing knife as best he could.

To their horror another zombie soldier more ghoulish than the rest came into the room and fired his weapon into the ceiling. The knife wielding zombie soldier turned to see his comrade and stepped back to join forces. In a crouch now ready to let his zombie colleague take care of the situation. The new soldier stepped forward and fired his weapon on full auto into the head of his comrade in arms.

The battle sounds outside the building were diminishing as the room was stunned into silence. The excarnate Green Beret, Lieutenant Lionel Overbee knelt in front of Billy and offered him his weapon, with head lowered in supplication he appeared to be crying but no tears issued forth. Connor leaned over closely and put a hand on Lionel’s shoulder and an ear to his mouth.

“He wants you to end this; he’s saying he wants to die.” Connor looked to Billy “He wants to be free, he’s a zombie right? He wants this over now isn’t that right?” Connor looked imploringly at Billy with tears in his eyes.

Billy was shaking his head, all those years of D&D fantasy made it hard to reconcile what he was seeing and hearing. His instinct told him Connor was right but how could that be true.

“He’s right.” Connie said. “I’ll explain it all to you later, it’s just so crazy, but it’s true, he’s right.”

Billy started to draw his sword and Lionel gave a strangled “Thank you” as the police crashed through the doors. Immediately focusing on the Zombie soldier the police pointed their weapons at Lionel. “No!” Billy shouted. Overbee pointed his gun at the police and fired over their heads receiving a hail of bullets in return.


Billy and Connie were married in June of the following year, Connor was the best man. Despite the pleadings of Connor and Billy, Connie refused to have a D&D themed wedding.

Lieutenant Lionel Overbee was posthumously awarded the Silver Star for Valor and buried with full military honors.

Lieutenant Connie Wexler-Lincoln had been awarded a battlefield commission and retired shortly thereafter to raise Connor and her new baby. Connie and Billy were expecting their new baby around Christmas. They agreed that they would name the baby Lionel if it was a boy and Francis if it was a girl.

Francis remained on board the Historic Trust as the newly minted head of security, no one messed with Francis, but then again no one dared mess with Francis before. She did have to part her hair on the other side these days.

To the rest of the world the “Terrorist” attack on Fort Vancouver would be a symbol of the grit and determination of the American people to resist terror. The total devastation of the terrorist’s with minimal casualties, none civilian was proof that we would always prevail.

Vancouver Mayor Royce Pollard was commended by the Governor for his bravery and intelligence in protecting the people in the Grant house and directing its defense with the police.

Colonel Thomas Cardwell was court martialed for his role in the death of 30 convicts in the staged bus crash that took their lives.

Colonial Williamsburg, October 2019

“Gentleman and Lady.” Colonel Arnie Charles said, nodding in the direction of the only female scientist in the room. “You have all been briefed on the importance of this project and the incredible success we have had to date. You also know the extreme secrecy of this project and that disclosure of any activities herein will be considered a treasonous act, punishable by death. But let’s not get too heavy right now. I want to welcome all to project Code Z2, so let’s raise a glass and toast the success of our project. Happy Halloween everyone!”

Twenty Five frosted beakers were raised in salute and twenty five happy scientists knew that their research project had virtually unlimited funding for the foreseeable future.

Three thousand miles away, in a lovely suburban bungalow, Billy Lincoln opened a hollowed out D&D book and removed a silver dollar shaped wafer with wires protruding from the edges.